What is IISRelayJ?

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Installation Steps - V3.0 and above

  1. Create or find a directory on the web server to hold the ISAPI DLL, IISRelayJ.dll. This directory should probably not be accessible from a browser. Copy the dll to the directory.

  2. At the command prompt, run regedit and create the following entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IISRelayJ\Java with a String of "host" to contain your host -- e.g. -- ""

  3. At the command prompt, run regedit and create the following entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IISRelayJ\Java with a DWORD of "port" to contain your port -- e.g. -- "8080". If you do not create this entry then the port 8080 will be used. NOTE: Be sure you enter the value as a decimal and not a hex value.

  4. Install the IISRelayJ DLL as an extenstion using the "Internet Services Manager". The extension should be .jsp and the available methods should be POST,GET. If you wish to execute servlets as well then we recommend you register an extension of .do as well. Then call your servlet with something like http://www.somehost.com/MyServlet/process.do. Take note though that your servlets will need to be registered with the servlet container with a .do extension. But you probably already knew that. ;-)

Thats it! Your .jsp pages and your servlets located on your servlet container box should now be accessible from IIS.

Any questions? bwarrick2@yahoo.com

Programming Notes

  1. Windows Authentication: If you use anonymous access (the default) for your website then this note does not apply. If, on the other hand, you have turned off anonymous access then the windows authenticated user will be passed in the header variable "LOGON_USER".
  2. request.getRemoteUser() wil return null
  3. request.getRemoteAddr() will return the ip address of the IIS box
  4. request.getRemoteHost() will return the NT domain name of the IIS Box
  5. HTTP_HOST will be the DNS url of the IIS box.
  6. You can define a "debug" option in the registry to see more of what the DLL is doing. See the readme.txt for more information.